29th Division Living History Group
Topics of Interest Concerning the 29th Division, WWII Infantry and Related Topics (Many of which have been compiled by our members, others are on referenced sites).
History Books Specific to the U.S. 29th Division of World War I
History of the Twenty-ninth Division, "Blue and gray," 1917-1919 (Free Download)
The 29th Division in the Cotes de Meuse 1918
History Books Specific to the U.S. 29th Division of World War II
Omaha Beach: D-Day, June 6, 1944
The Battle of the Hedgerows: Bradley's First Army in Normandy, June-July 1944
From Beachhead to Brittany: The 29th Infantry Division at Brest, August-September 1944
Americans in Brittany 1944: The Battle for Brest
From Brittany to the Reich: The 29th Infantry Division in Germany, September - November 1944
Our Tortured Souls: The 29th Infantry Division in the Rhineland, November - December 1944
The Last Roll Call: The 29th Infantry Division Victorious, 1945
29 Let's Go - A History of the 29th Division in World War II
War Correspondent: From D-Day to the Elbe
U.S. Infantry Weapons of World War II
Government Issue - U.S. Army ETO Collector's Guide
History Articles Specific to the U.S. 29th Division
Uniform & Equipment
WWII Army Regulations on Dogtags
Ribbons Bars - Decorations and Awards
WWII Army, Insignia Placement on 4 Pocket Blouse & Cap
WWII Army Regulations for Marking Clothing and Equipment
Footlocker Gear - An Example of Proper Layout
Dating the M1917 (Kelly & Brodie) Helmet
Dating WWII Uniforms and Equipment
G.I. Papers, Forms, I.D., etc.
TM 9-575 Auxiliary Fire-Control Instruments (Field Glasses, Eyeglasses, Telescopes, and Watches)
FM 23-5 U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1, 1940
FM 23-6 U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1917, 1942
FM 23-7 U.S. Carbine, Caliber .30, M1, 1942
FM 23-10 U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1903, 1940
FM 23-15 Browning Automatic Rifle, Caliber .30, M1918A2
FM 23-30 Hand and Rifle Grenades, Rocket, AT, HE, 2.36-Inch
FM 23-35 Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 AND M1911A1
TM 9-1900 Ammunition, General 1942
TM 9-1900 Ammunition, General 1945
Alan’s Brief History of Military Vehicles, a good overview with some great pictures
FM 30-40 1943: Recognition Pictorial Manual on Armored Vehicles
TM9_803_1944 1/4-TON 4x4 TRUCK (WILLYS MB & FORD GPW) (Jeep)
TM 9-808 3/4 Ton 4x4 Truck (Dodge)
TM 9-801 Truck 2.5 Ton, 6x6 GMC CCKW-352 & 353
TM 9-802 Truck, Amphibian, 2 1/2 Ton, 6 X 6 GMC DUKW-353, 1942
TM 9-821 2.5 Ton 4 x 2 Truck (Federal)
TM 9-834 Vehicular General Purpose Unit Equipment
TM 9-741 Medium Armored Car T17E1
TM 9-710 Basic Half-Track Vehicles (White, Autocar, and Diamond T)
TM 9-721 Heavy Tanks M6 and M6A1
TM 9-731G 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10A1
World War II – Radio Communications
FM 24-9 Combined United States-British Radiotelephone (R/T) Procedure, 1942
Basic Signal Communication: Field Wire Line Construction
TM 11-235 (BC-611) Radio Sets SCR-536, MAY 1945
Recruit Binder - Unit Handbook
DA-PAM 21-9 Physical Conditioning, 1944
Army Life For The Living Historian (Different Document Than DA-PAM 21-13)
FM 5-15 Field Fortifications (1940)
FM 5-15 Field Fortifications (1944)
FM 5-20 Camouflage, Basic Principles, 1944
FM 5-20A Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons
FM 5-20B Camouflage of Vehicles
FM 5-20C Camouflage of Bivouacs, Command Posts, Supply Points, and Medical Installations
FM 5-20D Camouflage of Field Artillery
FM 7-5 Organization And Tactics Of Infantry
FM 7-25 HQ Company Rifle Regiment
FM 7-35 Antitank Company And Platoon
FM 7-37 Cannon Company – Rifle Regiment
FM 17-10 Armored Force Tactics And Techniques
FM 17-20 Employment Of Armored Units Recon Platoon And Co
FM 17-33 The Armored Battalion
FM 21-6 List of Publications for Training, Including Training Films and Film Strips
FM 21-10 Military Sanitation and First Aid
FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers
FM 21-15 Equipment, Clothing, & Tent Pitching
FM 21-25 Map And Aerial Photograph Reading
FM 21-26 Advanced Map And Aerial Photograph Reading
FM 21-40 Defense Against Chemical Attack (1940)
FM 21-45 Protective Measures, Individuals and Small Units, 1942
FM 21-75 Scouting Patrolling And Sniping
FM 21-100 The Soldier's Handbook, 1941
FM 22-5 Infantry Drill Regulations, 1941
FM 22-5 Infantry Drill Regulations
FM 27-10 Rules Of Land Warfare
FM 31-30 Basic Field Manual – Tactics and Techniques of Air-Borne Troops, May 20 1942
FM 70-15 Operations In Snow And Extreme Cold Weather
FM 101-5 The Staff Officers Bible - Annotated
TM 27-255 Military Justice Procedure, 1945
29th Div Rifle Co Class Notes – Carlisle - 2015-06-27
Cherbourgh And Caen D Day Map – US Army 1944 – Front
Cherbourgh And Caen D Day Map – US Army 1944 - Back
Fall In by The America Legion – Basic Info for the New Recruit
TM E30-451 Handbook on German Forces
Reference Sites
D-Day Documents - 29th Division - 116th Regiment - 1st Battalion - A Company - Group Critique Notes
9th Infantry Division, 39th Regiment, Easy Company (Visit Research Section)
100th ID (Check their Facebook page too, you DO NOT need a Facebook account)
George Duncan Fact Sheet of WWII
U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum – WW2 Section
U.S. Army War College Library and Archives
World War II Living History & Reenacting Information from Hardscrabble Farm
Hyper War – Hyper Text History of the Second World War
U.S. Army Combined Arms Center – World War II Technical Manuals Library
Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library
World War I, WWI, or "The Great War" (1914- 1918) on Roots Web
Compilation Of Archival Boxes At The 29th Infantry Division Archives
Supplies & Equipment
World War Two Ration Technologies
Hogan Quartermaster Depot Reproduction K-Rations
The Nations Gun Show, Chantilly VA
Prairie Flower Leather (M1917 Helmets and Liners)
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